بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم
أقدم لكم اليوم البرنامج الأكثر من رائع FlashFXP 3.6 with Crack, Serial
هذا البرنامج أسرع وأسهل وسيلة لنقل أي ملف بين جهازك والخادم على شبكة الانترنت
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FlashFXP is a FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client for Windows, which offers the easiest and fastest way to transfer any file between your local computer and a server on the Internet, or even directly between two servers using Site to Site transfers. Available in over 20 languages. FlashFXP offer security, performance, and reliability that you can always count on to get your job done quickly and efficiently. Use FlashFXP to publish and maintain your website, Upload and download documents, photos, videos, music and more, Share your files with your friends and co-workers, or even use it to download other shareware! There are many, many features available in FlashFXP.